Sunday, September 19, 2010

I just can't watch sports like I used to.

Hello all! Time for another blog, this one is about sports. I will hardly ever write about sports, as there are much more important things in life. However, I just felt like I really needed to say this. Enjoy, and Vikings fans, please don't hate me.

Before I start off this rant, lets flash back, shall we?

I've been exposed to sports since I was a baby, it's in my family. Heck, my great great uncle Waite pitched for the Yankees in the 20's and made the hall of fame. Some of my best memories are watching sports with my dad and Grandpa. But when I was 12, I started to get really into football. And you guessed it, my favorite team was the Minnesota Vikings. I would spend my Sunday's watching them play, and frequently yelling at the tv, much to the annoyence of my mom. I lived or died by them, nothing put me in a bad mood like the Vikings losing. This went on for a long time.

And then, last year happened. It was a magical year for the Vikings, and I truly thought they were going to win it all. But then they played the Saints in the NFC title game, and anyone reading this knows what happened. I alternated screaming at the tv, and being sad and remorseful. I was so devasted that I buzzed my long hair at the time to try to make myself feel better (which turned out well, I looked much better with shorter hair.) After moping about the game for a month, I realized how pathetic it was. My revelation went something like this.

I mean seriously! It's just a freakin sports game, why do I give a crap if they win or lose. It's not going to affect me personally, so why am I acting like the Vikings losing is the end of the world. I'm done living or dying by the Vikings, I can't do this anymore!

I told my Uncle Jim this, and he just nodded his head and said "Now you know how I felt after the 1998 NFC Title game."

And this brings me to today. As the Vikings blew another big game by shooting themselves in the foot again(shocking, I know), I glanced across Facebook. I saw people complaing about the Vikings starting 0-2 like it was the Apocalypse. I wondered "How did I ever do this to myself for all those years?"

So there it is, that's how I feel. I'm done living and dying by the Vikings and any other sports teams in general (Yes, this includes my beloved New York Yankees). I'll still watch them, heck i'll still root for them. But sports just don't seem very important to me anymore. They will just be a hobby from now on, not something my life revolves around. Call me a whiner, bandwagon fan, Haterade drinker, your grandmother, I really could care less. I'm just done with.

Because at the end of the day, it's all just a game anyways.

A few other quick blips!:

How I Met Your Mother season 6 premiers tomorrow, I CAN'T WAIT!

Halo Reach is awsome!

Humans vs. Zombies was a phenomenal experience, I may write onit!

If you haven't heard it, please listen to the song September by Daughtry. It's a phenomenal song that really got me thinking. I will definitely be writing soon on this song and what I got out of it in regards to love.


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