Wednesday, August 31, 2011

We Need Each Other

     Howdy ya’ll. As you can tell, I’ve brought my blog back! The reason for this is simple: all the great stuff I feel I’m learning/ being reminded of in my Relationships class. It’s been a fantastic class so far, and I already feel like I’ve gotten a ton out of it. I am blogging on it, as it helps me get these thoughts out there. So, without further delay, here we go.

       Awhile ago, I wrote on the importance of discovering who you are, and your identity in Christ. This is an identity apart from other people, relationships, etc. It is absolutely vital to discover who you are as a human being, and who God has called you to be. Otherwise, as the wonderful book I’m reading right now says, “if you try find intimacy with another person before achieving a sense of identity on your own, all your relationships become an attempt to complete yourself” . Personally, I love this statement, and reallllllly wish I would have known it years ago. While it is important to have a sense of who we are, this does not mean that we can live the life of a loner apart from others. Forming deep relationships with other human beings is something that we all need.

      Now, the most important relationship we have in our lives is our relationship with our Heavenly Father. This is the basis of all relationships, and it’s importance cannot be overstated. However, that is another blog for another day. Today I’m blogging about the importance of relationships with other human beings. Ya know, the kind that we feel all kinds of different emotions about. They are confusing, but we desperately need them. As God so desired to be in a relationship with us, we desire to be in relationship with others. Since we are created in His image, we also want the same things as him.  This is why we need to be around others and have friendships/ relationships with them. 

       As a kid growing up, I was a bit of a loner myself. I wanted to be exactly like my hero Wolverine from the X-Men (And honestly, what kid wouldn’t want to be him?). He lived by his rules and his way, and didn’t let anyone get close to him. I tried this for awhile, and let me tell you, it really stinks. This is because we are designed to form  attachments with other people, and anything else is not natural. This is why often times, even though we are in a crowded place, we still feel alone because we have no deep bonds with any of these people.
We are designed to want to be around and need other human beings. This is the way God made us, no bones about it.  This also includes the need for a deep, romantic relationship between a man and a woman. Let me point this out(assist to prof Talley on this one). When God first created Adam way back in Genesis, all was good. Sin had not yet entered the world, so Adam was still in perfect communion  with God. This is the kind of relationship with we can only dream about! But even though Adam had a perfect relationship with the Lord, Adam still felt lonely. Recognizing this, God said “it is not good for man to be alone” and gave him Eve. Despite a perfect relationship with God, Adam was still in need of love from Eve. This still rings true today.

Last year, I managed to overhear a conversation between two women. What got me is when one of them stated “I don’t ever need to find a man, Jesus is the only man for my heart.” As I had to exercise every ounce of self restraint I had, I saw where she was coming from. I admire that kind of dedication to serving and loving our Lord, I really  do. But as pointed out earlier, we need these types of romantic relationships.

To try to sum it all nicely, we as people simply need relationships. Now, there are some things that no human relationship can do, but hey, that’s for the next blog. Even though these relationships often confuse and exhaust us, they are something that we desire, as God desires a relationship with us. So the next time you lay awake at night wondering about your love life and when/if you’ll meet Mr./Mrs. Right(I’m not the only one who does this, right?), don’t beat youself up about it. This is simply our design created by our Wonderful Maker.

Wow, that WAS fun! Hope ya’ll enjoyed this little schpeel. In honor of this blog, here’s a great song by Sanctus Real that really sums it up well:

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